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Law Student Testimonial

Victoria Sexton

EJA Summer Fellow


  • EJA Summer Fellow, 

Georgetown University

Thank you and everyone at Equal Justice America (EJA) for your support this summer. My EJA fellowship allowed me the opportunity to fulfill my dreams and obtain and create new career goals. This summer I had the privilege of being an EJA Law Fellow at Coast to Coast Legal Aid of South Florida (CCLA). CCLA is located in my home town, Plantation Florida, and has a talented and knowledgeable family law unit comprised of several experienced and zealous attorneys. Over my ten week internship, I worked closely with two attorneys in the family law unit who work under the Victims of Crime Act (VOCA) grant. Most of the clients we assisted were survivors of domestic violence or other crimes who are now seeking civil legal services because of their victimization. My experience as a EJA Law Fellow at CCLA has tremendously helped me grow as a person and as a professional legal advocate for those in most need.